

Unifor is Canada's largest union in the private sector, representing more than 305,000 workers in nearly every sector of the economy. Unifor is committed to ensuring safer workplaces, secure employment, wages and benefits that provide a decent standard of living, dignity and respect in the workplace.

Canadian Federation of Students

The Canadian Federation of Students is Canada’s largest student organization, uniting more than one-half million students across the country. The Canadian Federation of Students and its predecessor organizations have represented students in Canada since 1927. 

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives specializes in national, provincial & municipal research that equips progressives with the arguments they need to press for social change.


CAW-Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy

Established in 2002, the CAW-Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy at Ryerson University is the first and only union-endowed chair at a Canadian University. The mandate of the chair is to create a social justice hub that engages students, academics, labour and community activists in deepening the conversation on critical issues and promote collaboration among partners on strategies for transformative change.


Centre for Labour Management Relations

Ryerson University's Centre for Labour Management Relations brings together community groups, government, labour, management, and workers to promote collaborative, entrepreneurial, ethical, proactive, and sustainable best practice labour management relations across Canada.